At Soledad Prision — June 2014 | Theologika Digest
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At Soledad Prision — June 2014

At Soledad Prision — June 2014



At Soledad State Prison…

Glad that the “Get On The Bus” program — which brings together inmates and their families on Father’s Day — invited the Order of Malta to participate this year.

We spent the day in prison facilitating the reunion — face painting the kids, giving out children’s books and toys, serving lunch to inmates and their families.

We took photographs of the children with their fathers and printed over 300 pictures which the children kept as souvenirs for their once in a year visit. Some of the children had never seen their dads. Many of them got up at 3 or 4 AM to make the bus trip from their hometowns to Soledad State Prison.

This prison ministry is an experience one cannot forget. Seeing little boys and girls hugging and kissing their fathers with so much love and joy was such a heartwarming experience.

Happy Father’s Day!!

Ed Gamboa, MD

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