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Posted by on Dec 8, 2017

Liturgy: God’s Embrace

Liturgy: God’s Embrace

In this issue of Theologika Digest, we are offering some thoughts and ideas to expand your sense of liturgy. The focus of this issue is The Liturgy of Life, by Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP. Many times we get lost in the minutia of planning liturgies, without having the realization that liturgy is getting caught up in God’s embrace, whether that happens in a church building, in our lives, or as we are silenced by the sunrise.

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Posted by on Mar 24, 2017

Rising in Christ: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Rising in Christ: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Rising in Christ focuses on the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults – RCIA. Discover the ancient way in which people entered the faith and its renewal today. Find out why baptized persons don’t need to go through the RCIA to enter the church. Take a look at people coming to new life in Christ. Enjoy the spirituality, poetry, and images of the RCIA and find valuable information and resources for teaching others.

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Posted by on Nov 15, 2016

Mercy: God’s Many Faceted Gift

Mercy: God’s Many Faceted Gift

In Mercy: God’s Many Faceted Gift, we look at examples of mercy and forgiveness: in the lives of real people, in the historical context of development of today’s understanding of mercy, and through reflection on what mercy tells us about God and our everyday relationships and lives.

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Posted by on May 23, 2015

Mary Still Sings: “He Has Lifted up the Meek and the Lowly”

Mary Still Sings: “He Has Lifted up the Meek and the Lowly”

This issue of Theologika Digest takes as its theme Mary’s song of praise, the Magnificat. We respond to God’s gift of care for the lowly through practical outreach in service, music, art, liturgy, and celebrations. Articles include reflections on the place of Mary in salvation history and in our lives, an introduction to the work of Connie Fortunato and Music Camp International, information about the Mozarabic rite liturgy celebrated recently at the Vatican, a link to Jesse Manibusan’s newest work, and much, much more.

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Posted by on Apr 22, 2015

Easter Dawns

Easter Dawns

Easter Dawns is the theme of this issue of Theologika Digest. Offerings include reflections on the Resurrection, creation as the overflowing of divine love, Easter as a past, present and future reality, Eucharist as proclaiming the death of the Lord, Pope Francis’ reflection on the example of the women who were Jesus’ disciples, as well as art, music, crafts, an Easter puzzle, and a new icon.

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Posted by on Feb 26, 2015

Light for the World — February 2015

Light for the World — February 2015

This issue of Theologika Digest is focused on Jesus’ coming as Light of the World and ways in which we too are called to be light in our world. The experience of Catholic faith in cultures around the world, Muslim/Christian solidarity during Lent, the Pope’s request for lay input regarding the Synod’s work on the mission and vocation of the family in the Church, music, catechetical resources for Lent, and much more await our readers.

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