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Posted by on Oct 24, 2014

Called to be holy – October 2014

Called to be holy – October 2014

Featured Profile

Barbara Winston

Dr. Barbara Winston coordinates the spiritual direction ministry for the Diocese of Monterey, California and in collaboration with Mercy Center in Burlingame, California oversees the Acompañantes Espíritu Bilingual Bicultural Program to train Spanish-speaking spiritual directors. Read more ...



Music is an outstanding way of conveying truth on many levels. Here The Piano Guys offer a medley of prayer. Read more and enjoy ...


Liturgy of the hours 3

Around the world, five times a day, members of the church stop to pray and reflect on God's great love for us. These cycles of prayer are known as The Liturgy of the  Hours, the prayer of the Church. Read more ...


Living in Faith

 Therese of Lisieux at 15

 St. Therese of Lisieux, with her "little way," gave the Church a model for living in the light of trust in a loving God. Her example and writings helped lay the groundwork for Vatican II. Read more ...

a path out of the darkness of Jansenism back into the light of trust in a loving God - See more at:
a path out of the darkness of Jansenism back into the light of trust in a loving God - See more at: of Lisieux at 15


800px-Sunrise on Mt Sinai in Egypt - June2006 - by Mabdalla - public domain

Dr. Peter Kreeft, speaking at the 15th Call to Holiness conference in Sterling Heights, Michigan, recently explained that our call to holiness is actually "the meaning of life." Read more ...

Ask Theologika


All-Saints - Fra Angelico - 15th Century - Public Domain

Dear Theologika,

I’ve been hearing a lot recently about being called to be holy and about holiness. But I don’t know what it means to be holy. Read more...

Spirituality in daily living

Prayer to the Holy Family - Pope Francis

Though the first meetings of the Synod have now been completed, the process of study, prayer, and reflection on the role of the family, the challenges facing families, and pastoral care of the family today will continue through the coming year. Let us continue to pray for the fruitful continuation of this process.

Papa Francisco en español ...

En Octubre del 2013, el Papa Francisco ofreció estas palabras sobre la santidad: "Dios nos dice, 'No tengas miedo de la santidad. No tengas miedo de apuntar alto, de dejarte amar y purificar por Dios. No tengas miedo de dejarte guiar por el Espíritu Santo. ¡Dejémonos contagiar de la santidad de Dios!'"

Pope Francis

Pope Francis offers these words of encouragement in an audience in October 2013: "God tells us: 'Don't be afraid of holiness. Don't be afraid of aiming high and allowing yourself to be loved and purified by God. Don't be afraid. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. Be embraced by the holiness of God!'"

For those who speak Spanish, the entire talk is included in  the Spanish language video.

Just for Fun!

Saints Puzzle 10.2014

Find more information about these and other saints in our blog.

Did you find them all? Check your answers, but no peeking first!


Looking Ahead

Soul Cakes

The Feasts of All Saints and All Souls will be upon us soon! To celebrate them with your family, try this recipe!


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