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Posted by on Aug 1, 2014

Called to Action – August 2014

Called to Action – August 2014

Featured Profile

 Daniel Olivieri

 Dan Olivieri is a lay Catholic chaplain at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, CA.

Few surmise or suspect the turmoil and glory of the Paschal Mystery carried in the heart of the layman who goes from room to room in the hospital to listen, to pray, to be present.

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Living in Faith

Detail from  Three Nuns in the Portal of a Church - Armand Gautier

Detail from Three Nuns in the Portal of a Church - Armand Gautier

Those of us who were taught by nuns often wonder what happened to them and who the women are today who are taking their place and responding to this radical call to action for the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Hildegard_of_bingen_and_nuns - public domain
Hildegard of Bingen ( 1098 - 1179) is a beautiful example of a person of faith who delighted in discovering God in science, art, and music.

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A Sacred Voice is Calling cover - John Neafsey
John Neafsey, in A Sacred Voice is Calling, suggests that our understandings of vocation are changing today based on newly emerging understandings of human development, the Church itself, and our scriptural calling to live out the Good News.

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Spirituality in Daily Living

 A Child's Gaze by Peter Griffin
Unequal justice is a problem we are used to seeing as characteristic of past ages or Third World countries. Matt Taibi makes a compelling case that it is also a problem in the United States today.

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Cropped -Pope Francis - Canonization_2014-_The_Canonization_of_Saint_John_XXIII_and_Saint_John_Paul_II_(14036966125) - Jeffrey Bruno - Creative Commons
In a recent talk on Vatican Radio, Pope Francis encouraged his listeners (and all of the rest of us) to focus on the liturgy as something more than a gathering, something more than worship.

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