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Posted by on Apr 22, 2015

Easter Dawns

Easter Dawns

The Resurrection of Christ and Planet Earth – It’s not all about us!


Christians often see the earth and all of creation as a motion picture studio back drop for God's saving action in the Christ Event -- the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus. However, there's more to our relationship with Christ and the Earth than this approach suggests. What we tend to overlook is that all of creation is the ongoing reality of God's overflowing love.

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Creating Beauty from What Others Discard / Crear Algo Hermoso del Desecho

Human ingenuity is such a powerful force for good or for evil, for beauty or for horror. The example of these young people is an inspiration. Spanish with English subtitles. En Español.

A follow-up in English from CBS News

The Easter Proclamation and the Identity of the Deacon

Deacon William Ditewig, PhD notes that the deacon has a special role in the singing of the Easter Proclamation, the Exsultet, at Easter Vigil.

Read more about the deacon's role ...

Ask Theologika


Dear Theologika,

"What does it mean that every time we eat His body and drink His blood we proclaim His death?"

I thought He was Alive

Dear Alive,

St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 11, from whence we get the saying, is teaching about the Eucharist and what the Eucharistic celebration (Mass) is all about.

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Vaudeville at the Vatican - What is the Church coming to?‏

"Give my regards to Broadway" was the theme of the Rector's Dinner a year ago at the North American College in Rome. American seminarians and priests study here and graduates are usually tapped for major leadership positions in the American Church.

This type of entertainment has been an institution in American seminaries for decades. This vaudeville routine is a great example of what happens behind cloistered walls. It brings back many happy memories of my own theatrical misadventures in the seminary.



La Homilía del Santa Padre en la Vigilia Pascual 2015

 El Santa Padre Franciso nota que los discípulos y las discípulas quedaban en vigilia la noche antes de la resurrección y eran las mujeres las que salieron del Cenáculo y fueron al sepulcro al alba, descubriendo ahí la tumba abierta.

  Vea el texto oficial de la homilía.

Praying with Our Holy Father

General Intention: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God.

Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church.


We at Theologika Digest send out a big "Thank you" to Fr. Franklin Fong, OFM for his prayer in art, "He is Risen", which heads our Easter offering.

 We also thank artist Tony Rezk for permission to use his digital icon. "21 Martyrs of Libya".

Living in Faith

21 Martyrs of Libya - Tony Rezk - B-d6yZ9IMAAlR-z

From the earliest days of Christianity, before Jesus' followers were even known as Christians, men and women have been called upon to testify to what they have seen and experienced of God's great love for all of us as it shines forth in the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord.

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Growing in Faith - From Grief to Easter Joy


In a recent post, "The Apostles and the Loss of Jesus," Kathleen Hirsh speaks of the experience of loss and healing:

When our entire world has been shattered, ... when expectations about the way things will go has been shaken at its foundations, we enter an abyss. This is where we find the followers of Jesus at this critical moment. This is where we stand.

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Pope Francis' Easter Vigil Homily

Pope Francis - Easter Vigil 2015

Tonight is a night of vigil. The Lord is not sleeping; the Watchman is watching over his people (cf. Ps 121:4), to bring them out of slavery and to open before them the way to freedom.

With these words, Pope Francis began his homily for Easter Vigil, April 4, 2015.

This video summarizes the Pope's activities at Easter, including excerpts of his homilies:

Easter and "Eastering"

Icon of the Resurrection

Easter is a celebration of Jesus' resurrection and what it means for human beings and all of creation. It is an event which gives us hope; a time to remember that good is stronger than evil and death is not the end of life. The resurrection has divergent interpretations.

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Just for fun

Try your hand at this puzzle.

Easter Puzzle 2015 - rev


Looking Ahead - Pentecost!

Birds for Pentecost

Common symbols of the Holy Spirit include a bird, the wind, and a flame. A crepe paper bird craft makes an enjoyable activity for children to celebrate during the Easter Season and Pentecost.

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