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Posted by on Mar 24, 2017

Rising in Christ: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Rising in Christ: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Joining the Catholic Church – One Size Does NOT Fit All

For people who are attracted to the Catholic Church there are two main paths. For people who are not baptized there is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) which is based on the way people were initiated into the faith in the early centuries of the Christian church. The other path is for people who are already baptized. This is called coming into full communion, since all baptized Christians are already in a limited but profound union with each other in Christ.

For detailed information please see United States Catholic Conference of Bishops website

Sacraments of Initiation - Coming Alive in the Holy Trinity

What are the sacraments of initiation? Does being baptized in the Catholic Church make a person a full member of the Church? How do First Communion and Confirmation fit into the picture?

Read on to find out ...

Rising from Under the Waters - Easter Vigil

Some parishes like the one in this video combine the unbaptized RCIA candidates with the baptized who are entering the church and / or those who have not received confirmation or made their First Eucharist (First Holy Communion). Other parishes have only the unbaptized RCIA candidates at the Easter Vigil. The baptized enter the church or receive the remaining two sacraments of initiation - confirmation and First Eucharist before Lent which is the six week preparation for Easter.




The Catechumen's Song


A still gentle voice
rills upon the waves
Laughs in the gulls and
sparkles in the sand

A longing deep and still
beyond believing
Within hope
a throb of love

Read the full poem ....


El Rito de Iniciacion Cristiano para Adultos

Primera Meta: Conectar A Los Jóvenes Adultos Con Jesucristo


Hijos e Hijas de la Luz: Plan Pastoral para el Ministerio con Jóvenes Adultos
12 noviembre, 1996, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

1.  Formación y Dirección Espiritual

Como hemos mencionado ya en este plan, los jóvenes adultos desean desarrollar su vida espiritual. Ellos se refieren a esto como el fundamento—la raíz—de sus vidas. Es mediante esta vida espiritual que crece la apreciación de los jóvenes adultos por la forma en que Dios obra en sus vidas. Algunas de las sugerencias que ofrecemos para ayudar a los jóvenes adultos a desarrollar su vida espiritual son:

Véase el articulo completo....




Papa Francisco

Festejando el día de nuestro bautismo - Papa Francisco

Una vez finalizada la celebración eucarística en la Capilla Sixtina, el Santo Padre se asomó a la ventana de su estudio, en el Palacio Apostólico Vaticano, para rezar el Ángelus con los fieles y peregrinos reunidos en la Plaza de San Pedro. Pidió a todos los presentes que rezasen por los 26 niños y niñas que acababa de bautizar y explicó la importancia de celebrar nuestro bautismo.

Véase el artículo completo ...



What do I need to know to become Catholic?

I was invited by a friend to go with him to Mass at his church. I really like what I see in the Catholic Church and I would like to become a member. What do I need to know and how long does it take?

The Church is always happy to welcome others. Read on to learn more...

Growing in Faith

RCIA - The Rite of Christian Initiation enlivens the faith of the parish community. The parish as the assembly of the faithful plays an important role in praying for and supporting the inquirers and the catechumens on their walk of faith. Not surprisingly, those who walk with those preparing for baptism find their own faith renewed.

More ....

Pope Francis

Do you celebrate the day of your baptism?

.- In his Sunday Angelus remarks Pope Francis stressed the importance of both knowing and celebrating the day of our baptism, since it is through the sacrament that we become children of God.


Theologian's Corner

Basic Theology for the RCIA Team  (webinar recording)

"Theology is not an esoteric discipline reserved for people who live in academic towers. It is an everyday mystagogical reflection on our relationship with the Creator. In this webinar, Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner will cover the theological basics that every RCIA team member needs to know."


Looking Ahead

Mystagogy is a lifelong journey of growing closer to God, deepening our faith

By Joyce Racine

Mystagogy — it’s Greek root is the same as the root of mystery. Many of us are entertained and intrigued by the challenge of a mystery that invites us to solve a crime or puzzle. This accounts for the popularity of mystery novels, movies and TV shows; mystery dinner parties and theater.

Our contemporary understanding of a mystery is something to solve.

In the biblical and Church traditions, a mystery is not something we solve — it is something we enter into with God in a sense of wonder, respect and awe. We accept the mysteries of our faith even though we may not fully understand them.

Read the complete article...


Praying with Our Holy Father

That persecuted Christians may be supported by the prayers and material help of the whole Church.

Thank you to our Contributors!

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