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Posted by on Dec 8, 2017

Liturgy: God’s Embrace

Liturgy: God’s Embrace

In this issue of Theologika Digest, we are offering some thoughts and ideas to expand your sense of liturgy. The focus of this issue is The Liturgy of Life, by Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP. Many times we get lost in the minutia of planning liturgies, without having the realization that liturgy is getting caught up in God’s embrace, whether that happens in a church building, in our lives, or as we are silenced by the sunrise.

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Posted by on Oct 24, 2014

Called to be holy – October 2014

Called to be holy – October 2014

Called to Be Holy is the theme of the October 2014 issue of Theologika Digest. Dr. Barbara Winston and her work with spiritual direction in the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities is profiled. Articles include reflections on “The Little Way” of St. Therese of Lisieux, what it means to be holy, praying with the Church through the Liturgy of the Hours, Pope Francis’ thoughts on the call to holiness (en español también), a Find-the-Saints word search puzzle, and a recipe for Soul Cakes to celebrate All Saints Day and/or All Souls Day.

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