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Posted by on Jun 19, 2018

The Human Person Fully Alive is the Glory of God – Psychology and Spirituality

The Human Person Fully Alive is the Glory of God – Psychology and Spirituality

In this issue of Theologika Digest, our focus is on moving toward God freely and knowledgeably in order to have “life to the full” as Jesus promised. Psychology – the study of the soul – has many techniques and insights to help us on our journey. We combine insights from psychology with those of St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), a great master of spiritual psychology, who has given us a form of prayer and psychological searching, the Examen, to help us along the way.

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Posted by on Nov 15, 2016

Mercy: God’s Many Faceted Gift

Mercy: God’s Many Faceted Gift

In Mercy: God’s Many Faceted Gift, we look at examples of mercy and forgiveness: in the lives of real people, in the historical context of development of today’s understanding of mercy, and through reflection on what mercy tells us about God and our everyday relationships and lives.

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Posted by on Nov 29, 2015

Family Life: Cradled in Divine Love

Family Life: Cradled in Divine Love

Family is ideally the cradle of divine love into which we are born as humans. The challenges of living in faith as family, as domestic church, and practical ways in which we live and grow together in love are addressed in this issue of Theologika Digest. Following closely on the closing of the 2015 Synod on the Family and just before the start of the Holy Year of Mercy, we report on the statements and recommendations produced by the Synod and look forward with hope to the Holy Year. The role of the family in safeguarding the environment is also featured, with practical suggestions and activities.

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Posted by on Jun 20, 2015

Sacred Heart: A Heart to Love All People

Sacred Heart: A Heart to Love All People

Theologika Digest’s June 2015 issue takes the Sacred Heart of Jesus as its theme. Features include art by Joseph Fanelli and David Clayton, meditations by Sr. Laurel O’Neal, Er. Dio. and Dr. Susan Mahan, historical background of the development of the devotion, summaries of Pope Francis’ 2015 homily for the Feast of the Sacred Heart (in English and Spanish), introduction to Laudato Si’, and much more.

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