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Posted by on May 23, 2015

Mary Still Sings: “He Has Lifted up the Meek and the Lowly”

Mary Still Sings: “He Has Lifted up the Meek and the Lowly”

Connie Fortunato’s Magnificat – Music Camp International

He has put the mighty down from their thrones and exalted the lowly. (Luke 1:52)

When the Iron Curtain fell, it revealed the plight of Romanian children warehoused in orphanages. As a music educator and the former music director of Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, California, Connie knew that music could restore these children to wholeness. At first the Romanian government wanted her to teach music only to the children of the leadership. Connie insisted on teaching the orphans and she prevailed.

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Magnificat - My Soul Proclaims the Greatness of the Lord!

"Ang Puso Ko'y Nagpupuri (Magnificat)" by Hangad

Another interpretation of Mary's song of praise:

 Multimedia Christmas Nativity video featuring the music of Todd Agnew and scenes from "The Nativity".

Liturgy: Mozarabic Liturgy from Spain

AntifonarioDeLeón - Mozarabic - public domain

On May 16, 2015, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated at St. Peter's Basilica according to the Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite for only the 4th time in history. This rite, sometimes called the Gothic or Visigothic rite, is the ancient liturgy of Spain.

Ask Theologika


Madonna della Scala - Michelangelo

Madonna della Scala - Michelangelo

Dear Theologika,

Why do Catholics worship the Virgin Mary?


Dear Wondering,

This is a common misunderstanding of the devotion Catholics have for Mary the Mother of God. Catholics do not worship the Virgin Mary. Catholics, like other Christians, only worship the One God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Pope Francis: Three Words for Family Harmony



On Wednesday May 13 at his General Audience in St Peter's square Pope Francis gave a short address on the three words that are key to family happiness and well being. The three words in Spanish that are essential for health relationships are permiso, gracias, y perdón. In English they are phrases: "May I","Thank you!", and "Forgive Me."

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Praying with Our Holy Father

General Intention: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor.

Evangelization: That Mary's intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be open to proclaiming Jesus.

Thank you to our Contributors!

Franklin Fong, OFM for his prayer in art form: Hail Mary.

Fr. David Jaspers for the article on the Hispanic-Mozarabic liturgy.

Kathleen Bossio for her picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Susan Mahan, PhD for her insights on the importance of Mary historically and theologically.

Music Camp International for videos of performances by children who attend their one week camps.

Jesse Manibusan for his video of music from his newest album.

Living in Christ

Jesse Manibusan

In “The Life You Live”, Jesse Manibusan has taken the usual meaning of life as something that we live, something that is ours alone, and turned it on its head. “The Life You Live” is all about the life of the Risen Christ.

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Growing in Faith: Strong Women and Faith

Chicago educator and author Ray Salazar shares a prayerful and heart warming message about his prayer for his daughter on NPR's Latino USA with Maria Hinojosa. (January 10, 2014).

O María, Madre mía 492X817

Papa Francisco

Pope Francis - Canonization_2014-_The_Canonization_of_Saint_John_XXIII_and_Saint_John_Paul_II_(14036966125) - Jeffrey Bruno - Creative Commons

En su Audiencia General de Miércoles el 13 de mayo, el Papa Francisco dio un corto mensaje sobre tres palabras claves para asegurar la alegría y el bienestar de la familia. Permiso, gracias, y perdón son las palabras esenciales para mantener saludables las relaciones familiares.
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Theologian's Corner - Why Is Mary Important?

Icon of the Wedding at Cana - Lucia 398 - CC
When we think or speak of Mary, the Mother of God, it is always important to keep in mind that she is best understood in the context of her relationship with her son, Jesus.

This is so because Christ is the redeemer and the sole source of salvation.  Mary, because of her role, participates in the creative and redeeming action of God in a special way.

Just for fun

Try your hand at this puzzle.

May 2015 Puzzle


Looking Ahead


The Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated on June 24. In Europe, a combination of pre-Christian nature lore and Christian faith underlies popular celebrations, many of which involve fires. Catholic Culture has an interesting article on this feast.

Celebrate with a bonfire (and marshmallows?) or a candle on the dinner table! To add a spiritual note, join in singing the Benedictus, the ancient song of praise from John's father, Zechariah.

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