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Posted by on Nov 21, 2014

Gratitude as the Year Draws to a Close – November 2014

Gratitude as the Year Draws to a Close – November 2014

Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago

Archbishop Blase Cupich

Archbishop Blase Cupich

The new archbishop of Chicago, Blase Cupich, has become known for his moderate approach for dealing with controversial issues. His approach to leadership includes a strong emphasis on social justice and a pastoral approach that involves listening and dialog.

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Poetry is commonly used to express profound thoughts and emotions. Dennis Johnston shares his Limrick for the Feast of Christ the King.


Te_Deum_window_by_Whall - cc-by-2.0 license
Te Deum Laudamus — We Praise You O God — is a traditional song of thanksgiving in the Church used on special occasions outside of the liturgy or in formal worship.

Ask Theologika

Agape_feast_paleochristian image from the catacombs - public domain in US due to age of art

Dear Theologika,

What does the term Eucharist mean? Where does it come from?


Spirituality in Daily Living

Tobias and the Angel

Tobias and the Angel

"Bless God and give him thanks before all the living for the good things he has done for you, by blessing and extolling his name in song. Proclaim before all with due honor the deeds of God, and do not be slack in thanking him. A king's secret should be kept secret, but one much declare the works of God and give thanks with due honor." Tobit 12:6-7

En Español

800px-Petersdom_von_Engelsburg_gesehen - public domain

La conclusión del Sínodo Extraordinario termina la primera etapa del proceso de los obispos a reflexionar sobre cuestiones y necesidades pastorales de familias y los del sacramento de matrimonio.

Para un resumen del discurso del Papa Francisco, haga clic.

Praying with our Holy Father

three-candles-by Alice Birkin
General Intention: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others.

Evangelization: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors.


Living in Faith

The Strangest Way - Robert Barron - thumbnail size
 "Christianity, before all else, is a form of life, a path that one walks. It is a way of seeing, a frame of mind, an attitude, but more than this, it is a manner of moving and acting, standing and relating. It is not simply a matter of the mind but of the body as well. In fact, one could say that Christianity is not real until it has insinuated itself into the blood and the bones, until it becomes an instinct, as much physical as spiritual."

Growing in Faith

Bernini's_colonnade_-_St._Peter_Sq._-_Vatican - Creative Commons 2.0 generic license
A significant part of our faith journey is growing and being ministered to by the people we serve.   When the Pope's Almoner, Bishop Konrad Krajewski, took a homeless man to dinner at a Chinese restaurant for the man’s 50th birthday, Bishop Krajewski discovered an unmet need.

Pope Francis and the Extraordinary Synod

Blog - Deacons Today: Servants in a Servant Church

Blog - Deacons Today: Servants in a Servant Church

Deacon William Ditewig, PhD has written an excellent review of the synod process. It has only just begun!

Read more here ...

Pope Francis' remarks are also available in English.

Just for fun

Try your hand at this puzzle.

Thanks-Giving in Genesis

 No cheating now! Try it first. Look up the references. Then, if all else fails, for the solution, click here.


Looking Ahead

Advent Activities Assembled-1 - smaller

 The season of Advent is fast upon us. Here's a simple project to do with your family, class, or other group...

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