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Called to Community – September 2014

Posted by on Sep 6, 2014

Theologika Digest’s September 2014 issue takes “Called to Community” as its theme, looking at the Church as community in its foundation and its living in faith. Articles feature Fr. David Heney and his University adult education program, artist John Nava’s Communion of Saints tapestries, Cardinal Avery Dulles’ models of the Church, Henri Nouwen on friendship, a Church Leadership crossword puzzle, inspiration from Vatican II, Native American celebration of liturgy, and more.

Called to Action – August 2014

Posted by on Aug 1, 2014

The August 2014 issue of Theologika Digest takes the theme of vocation as a sacred calling from God, a “worthy dream”, as its focus. The vocations of hospital chaplain, consecrated member of a religious community, student of arts and sciences, composer, and prophet of social justice are offered as examples of this divine call. The invitation to enter into the divine mystery through liturgy and the identification of one’s sacred calling to pursue a “worthy dream” are also explored.

Ordinary Time – June 2014

Posted by on Jun 20, 2014

June’s issue features a profile of Prior Cyprian Consiglio, OSB, Cam, as well as articles about Get on the Bus, crafts for children and families, the Ignatian Examen as an aid to the spiritual life and Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel.

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